
Getting started with your writing process...

Hello fellow writers, I thought it appropriate to begin our discussion by defining the writing process.  The writing process is a simple three steps: pre-writing, writing, and revision.  These steps are necessary for the creation of good writing.  Now, our work together will focus, at least for the immediate future, on the first step of this process: pre-writing.  Pre-writing is essentially brainstorming or coming up with ideas.  This is a step in the writing process that people skip, going directly to the second step of writing.  This is usually a mistake.  Our brains are not wired to create good writing.  Our brains are wired to take in stimuli from our environment, process it, analyze how it fits into everything we’ve ever learned, and  projecting how this information can be used in our future.  This happens at the speed of light.  And, this is happening constantly as we sit in front of our notebooks or computer screens, trying to create.  So, simply sitting down and beginning to

It’s all about the writing...

Hello fellow writers, This is my first post in a blog that I have created to help beginner writers get started in the craft of writing.  This is a difficult thing for people to do.  Getting started.  Many of us have the desire to write, but not the motivation.  Or we have the desire to write, but too many other things to do in our busy schedules.  Or we have the desire to write, but simply never get around to doing it for any of the other myriad of reasons we (myself included) use as excuses to avoid it.  It is one of life’s great ironies.  We are often filled with the desire to want to do something and, at the same time, a propensity to procrastinate.  We say things like: I’ll take guitar lessons...when I can find the time; I’ll learn to crochet...when I’m not so busy; I’ll get around to reading that novel sitting on my nightstand...when I’m not so tired.  Even if we do sit down in front of a notebook or computer screen, the blank page stares back at us menacingly.  How could we dar